Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In Class Reading Response to Online Portfolio

Susan Brashear
January 16, 2008

Online Portfolio

An online portfolio is an electronic collection of your best pieces of work, used to demonstrate your skills. An online portfolio can be sent electronically to your peers and it can be read without your assistance to explaining some of the things in it. A paper portfolio is a hard copy of your work that can be handed directly to your employer. Two advantages of an online portfolio are that it demonstrates the technical ability of its creator and it allows that web sites or computer art being presented in the portfolio. Two disadvantages of an online portfolio are that it does not provide much security to be stolen or altered by someone else and accumulating an online portfolio takes certain software and online skills that not every professional possesses. To make a good visual impression on your employer with your online portfolio, you need to use the least amount of plug-ins necessary and informs the evaluators of the needed extras as soon as they access the site. Also, a well designed visual interface is either intuitive or instructive; the interface is designed so that users will already know how to navigate it or provides users with ways of learning or adapting to the new interface. When dealing with the language presented on the portfolio, it is best to use first person to describe the pieces. Also, it is advised that you define your efforts in a team piece. By doing this, you will be able to show your abilities of being productive in a team environment.

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