Monday, April 7, 2008

Class Activity 20

Susan Brashear
Class Activity 20
April 7, 2008

1. To investigate bicycle head injuries and head injuries in general and how to prevent them.
2. Researching accident statistics and medical journals, interviewing cyclists and cycling organizations, reviewing coroners’ records and records of organizations involved in vehicular accidents.
3. I am very convinced as a reader that head injuries do exist. I experienced one when I was younger and it would not have been as severe as it was if I would have been wearing a helmet at the time. I think that getting the word out that head injuries are real and they do exist and can be avoided simply by wearing a helmet or another head protecting device is something that needs to be taken very seriously and needs to be dealt with immediately.
4. The writer persuaded me simply by stating the facts and giving case scenarios. All it takes is a small bump on the head to ruin someone’s life and upturn a family when it could have simply been avoided by wearing a helmet. The writer also persuaded me by giving statistics and real numbers to the accidents and deaths associated with head injuries.

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