Monday, April 14, 2008

Revised MLA & APA Format

MLA Format:
MLA-style formatting gives the needed guidelines for documentation to be used in literary and linguistic analysis and for research in composition studies. MLA-style is necessary for papers submitted in English and other language or literature courses. “MLA format consists of two elements: the citation in the text and the list of works cited at the end of the document” (Markel 608). A works cited page is included in MLA-style format.

The multicultural consideration in technical writing is something that I think is very important and seems to be apart of almost any job. Just as Thrush states, “Most practitioners have probably encountered cultural differences directly on their jobs – in writing computer documentation for products to be sold worldwide, in designing maintenance manuals to be used by technicians of varying cultural backgrounds, or in working with the managers of their foreign owned companies” (par. 1). Not all audiences are going to learn or think on the same level as the next so it is important to be able to understand each culture and be considerate of each culture as well. It is important to have appropriate and clear headings and titles for multicultural audiences. One suggestion to achieve this is, “try to find samples written by people from the culture you are addressing to examine their use of headings and lists” (Markel 209). I think that this suggestion is going to be the best way to incorporate each culture into what you are trying to achieve.

Works Cited
Markel, Mike. Technical Communication. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007.
Thrush, Emily A. Multicultural Issues in Technical Communication. April 9, 2007.

APA Format:
APA-style formatting gives a published guideline for writers to use when writing papers and articles about psychology. It can also be used when writing over topics such as; education, economics and sociology. APA-style documentation is usually only appropriate for research in education and in social sciences. A reference page is included in APA-style format.

The multicultural consideration in technical writing is something that I think is very important and seems to be apart of almost any job. Just as Thrush (2007) states, “Most practitioners have probably encountered cultural differences directly on their jobs – in writing computer documentation for products to be sold worldwide, in designing maintenance manuals to be used by technicians of varying cultural backgrounds, or in working with the managers of their foreign owned companies” (para. 1). Not all audiences are going to learn or think on the same level as the next so it is important to be able to understand each culture and be considerate of each culture as well. It is important to have appropriate and clear headings and titles for multicultural audiences. As described by Markel (2007) one suggestion to achieve this is, “try to find samples written by people from the culture you are addressing to examine their use of headings and lists” (p.209). I think that this suggestion is going to be the best way to incorporate each culture into what you are trying to achieve.


Markel, M. (2007). Technical communication. (8th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.Thrush, E. Multicultural issues in technical communication. Retrieved April 9 2008, 1997,From

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