Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Class Activity 11

Class Activity 11

Susan Brashear, Lindsey Davis, Jayce Lowe

  1. Anyone accused of a crime or could be involved in an illegal situation. To inform anyone of their legal rights if/when arrested.
  2. Proximity: Groups the bullets by subheadings and the brochure stays on topic. Alignment: the brochure used a lot of bullets and bold faced titles. The pictures are underneath the related paragraph Repetition: Uses the same font and bold face for each of the subjects. All goes well together. Contrast: White paper, uses black and red bolded and then the additional information section has grey background with black font.
  3. The 2nd part of the brochure runs onto the next page, this makes things look less organized.
  4. The section titled “What to do if the police want to search your property” should be moved to the third page so it all gets put together. The Texas flag at the bottom of the first page looks out of place. It makes things look cluttered.

Assignment Reflection

Susan Brashear


Dr. Liu

February 27, 2008

Assignment Reflection

The second assignment given was how to write a professional letter, memo and email. This procedure is very important in the job industry and I believe that every student should have to take a course to learn the proper techniques involved on how professional letters, memos and emails are to be prepared.

The main objective of this assignment was to better prepare students for the professional communication process. I think that the assignment given was very important and provided everyone with vital knowledge for the work force. I enjoyed writing my adjustment letter and memo. I feel like this assignment and the information provided is going to stick with me throughout my life. The skills used in writing my adjustment letter and memo are an ability that is going to persist through out my professional existence. Letters, memos and emails are a large part of the professional communication network in the majority of business across the world. The documents need to be written on a professional and appropriate level at all time when dealing with business issues.

In conclusion, the adjustment letter and memo writing assignment is one I will keep with me throughout my professional existence. I think that I will be using my new skills in this area quite a lot!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Koller Construction Company

Interoffice Communication

To: Caleb Brian, Brandon Carlson, Holly Condit, Annie Dalhstrom, Marla Dobson, Billy Dreger, Tiffany Hartley, Kiele Jawish, Matt Muñoz, Jill Perry, Allie Philpot, Josh Romon, Amber Tallas, David Zwiacher

CC: Lily Pond, Personal Manager

From: Susan Brashear, Assistant Personnel Manager

Date: February 27, 2008

Subject: Personal Copies on the Photocopy Machine Issue

The purpose of this memo is to talk about using the photocopy machine in the work room for personal copying.


The personal use of the photocopy machine in the workroom has gone on long enough and needs to come to a stop. Koller Construction is constantly over the budget each month due to this problem. This is because of the surplus amounts of personal copying being done. Ms. Pond has asked several times that the personal use of the photocopy machine end yet it has not. I am pleased to announce that a solution to this problem has been reached.


Koller Construction has come up with a plan of action for this problem we are having with the photocopy machine. Each of you will be assigned a different photocopy access number. The only way you will be able to use the photocopy machine is to enter your number. This will track what jobs have been printed and how many of each as well for each individual employee. Hopefully this will stop the hefty amounts of personal copying use from photocopy machine. If you do need to use the photocopy machine for personal use, you must clear it through Ms Pond or me at least one day in advance. At the end of each month, the individual numbers will be checked for the jobs printed off the photocopy machine. The first time there are any personal jobs on your access number that had not been approved by Ms. Pond or me, that employee will be responsible for paying for the copies. The second time will result in termination from the company. This is a problem that has gone on long enough and needs to come to a stop.


I’d like to talk to each of you about this issue individually. At that time, I will assign your personal access code for the photocopy machine. Please come by my office before Friday to schedule your appointment with me.

Adjustment Letter


5321 Rice Drive

Lubbock, TX 79416

(806) 894-1521

February 27, 2008

Mr. Buck Wheat

234 Longhorn Drive

Levelland, TX 79336

Dear Mr. Wheat:

I was very unhappy to read your letter of February 13 telling me about the missing software on your new computer you purchased from CompUSA. Furthermore, I am sorry if this error has inconvenienced you in any way. Please accept my apologies for this manufacturing error.

Annie Dalhstrom, our best software installer, has already been in touch with you to arrange a convenient time to come out to Levelland to install the proper software on your computer free of charge. We are always including a free upgrade. We are already investigating this manufacturing error and we will see to it that it does not happen again.

I do realize that I cannot undo the fact that your computer did not come with the advertised software. To make up for the extra trouble and lost time you incurred, let me offer you a 15 percent discount on your next purchase or service order with us.

We value your business very much and would hate to lose you as a customer. We look forward to receiving your future orders and hope this issue has been resolved.

Yours truly,

Susan Brashear, Manager

Enclosure (1)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Class Activity 10


To: Dr. Liu

From: Lindsey Davis, Jayce Lowe, Susan Brashear

Date: February 25, 2008

Subject: Multiculturalism

The purpose of this memo is to inform individuals about the differences between American and Japan culture.


In general, we were impressed to learn about the Japanese culture. The difference we found between the two letters salutation was that the American letter addressed the recipient by their last name and the Japan letter used the term “sir” instead. The first paragraph of the two letters is very different. The American letter is straight to the point and business only while the Japan letters focus is on the clients well being and family. The purpose of telling Mr. Kirisawa about his company is done out of respect. In the Japanese culture, there are things more important than work. The lack of a sales pitch at the end of the letter is due to the fact that Japan is not straight forward and does not require a yes or no answer.


The opening salutations of the two letters differ. The American based letter uses the client’s title and last name. This is done because Americans usually use names when addressing each other. The Japan based letter keeps the opening salutation brief and does not use any type of title or name. We found that Japan considers themselves as a whole and America considers themselves individually. The American based letter’s main focus is to discuss the product and the company. The Japanese based letter’s main focus differs because in their culture, work is not everything. A government survey implied that Japanese men would rather have more free time than increased income. The writer praises Mr. Kirisawa about his own company out of respect and admiration for him. The aspect of Japanese culture supports why paragraph three is brief. Once again, this goes back to the fact that Ms. Meyer is honoring Mr. Kirisawa. Japanese culture is not as distant as American culture and it is not appropriate to not mention the honors and hard work of each person. Ms. Meyer does not use a direct American sales pitch at the closure of the letter because it is inappropriate to do so. Japanese culture is not all about business and it would be impolite to push a product onto them. Japanese men would rather discuss something rather than have a yes or no, black or white conversation. Japanese culture is all about the “grey area.”


It is important to have a basic understanding of different cultures. Not every culture is going to be the same as the next and it is important to understand this to avoid embarrassment or to disrespect. We feel like this matter needs to be talked about in a group discussion.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Individual Memo


Date: February 13, 2008
To: Y. Liu
From: S. Brashear
Subject: Summarizing the Function of the Ethics Guidelines for the English Department

The purpose of this memo is to summarize the Ethics Guideline for the English Department.

The Ethics Guideline is meant to cause awareness of the values that present ethical behavior inside and outside the classroom. The Ethics Guideline goes over eight separate topics. The topics include: clarity, honesty, tolerance, respect, objectivity, fairness, engagement and responsibility.

I will now break down eight topics that that Ethics Guideline covers. Clarity is no disparity between surface and subtext department documents and in interactions with each other. Honesty is accurately representing facts and situations to each other. Tolerance is the ability to listen to and consider ideas different from your own. Respect is a regard to the equality, dignity, and uniqueness of other people. Objectivity is the careful compilation and consideration of all pertinent information and evidence. Fairness is reaching a just decision based on objectivity complied information. Engagement is active participation in all communities of which we are a part. Responsibility is holding yourself and others to a high standard. The ethic that I feel is most important to me is honesty. I cannot tolerate it whenever someone is dishonest with me.

After reading over the Ethics Guidelines for the English Department, I still agree with each one of the ethics discussed. However, honesty is the most important ethcis to me. Although, I assume everyone in the class has an understanding of the ethics, it would probably be beneficial to go over them individually as a group.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Class Activity 6

Exercise 5 Memo
Date: February 13, 2008
To: Y. Liu
From: S. Brashear, L. Davis, J. Lowe
Subject: Strengths and weaknesses of claim letter in our textbook

This memo will discuss the strengths and weakness we have found in the claim letter from exercise 5.
One of the claim letters strengths was that the writer shows actual evidence. One of the claim letters weakness was that he should have told the reader what he would like to be done about finding the fly in the tuna can. Also, we believe that the claim letter was very unprofessional.
The strength of the claim letter was that he taped the actual housefly he found in his tuna fish can to the letter. To make his weakness better, the writer should have wrote what he would like to be done about this matter instead of leaving it as an open question. The writer could have said that he would like a refund for his tuna fish or perhaps one year free supply of tuna fish. He also could have proposed that the company have a better system of cleaning and packaging their tuna fish so this type of incidence does not happen again. The writer could have made the claim letter more professional by not being so informal.
We as a group, think that we should revise the letter in a class discussion. This process could be very informative in helping us learn the proper methods of writing a claim letter.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Indirect Approach Letter

Texas Water Rampage
5321 E. Marsha Sharp
Lubbock, TX
Tel/Fax (806) 894 1254
11 Feb 2008

Ms. Tiffany Hartley
Valued Customer
4756 43rd Street
Lubbock, TX 79336

Dear Ms. Hartley:

Thank you for writing to inform us of your recent lost of a contact lenses while using our facility on 14 January 2008. As a contact wearer myself, I know how frustrating it can be when losing a contact lenses.

However, according to the contract that all members must sign explicitly states that the management is not responsible for loss of personal possessions. Therefore, it would be against our business contract to reimburse the 75 dollar amount you are asking for the lost contact.

As you know, our swimming facility tries to accommodate everyone’s needs. After hearing of this incidence we have decided to have free goggles for all customers to wear while in the swimming pool. We do recommend that you wear these goggles to avoid losing another one in our facility.

We hope to see you again soon at Texas Water Rampage.

Yours truly,

Susan Brashear, Manager

Direct Approach Letter

High-End Beverage Containers
2208 Lamar Drive
Austin, TX 73456
Tel/Fax 4413 6678
11 Feb 2008

Ms. Annie Dalhstrom
Purchasing Coordinator
Compliance 5
101 B Ave C

Dear Ms. Dalhstrom:
Order No. 34562SB

I was very unhappy to read your letter from January 27 telling me about one of our beverage containers containing a serious leak. Furthermore, I am sorry that the leak did ruin a white tablecloth. Please accept my apologies for this manufacturing error.

Randal Green, our best beverage container maker, has already begun a special batch for your company at no extra cost. We would also like to replace the white tablecloth. We are investigating why some of our beverage containers have begun to leak and we have it narrowed down to the new type of disinfectant being used during the final manufacturing step.

I do realize that I cannot undo the damage that has been done to the white table cloth but I hope that our efforts to fix this problem assure you that this type of setback will not happen again.

We value your business very much and would hate to lose you as a customer. We look forward to receiving your future orders and hope this issue has been resolved.

Yours truly,

Susan Brashear, President

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Class Activity 7

2208 Rice Drive
Levelland, TX 79336
(806) 894-6289

February 6, 2008

Mr. Cody McDonald
Manager of Manufacturing
214 Cottonwood Place
Levelland, TX 79336

Dear Mr. McDonald:

Re. Order No. 8743256

As a steady customer of yours for over 8 years, I came to you first when I needed a new beverage container for an upcoming event. On your sales representatives’ recommendation, we bought the new beverage 200 container at $8.95. Much to our disappointment, this model has a serious manufacturing problem and has leaked.

On 27 January 2008 my staff and I held a large party where the beverage container purchased from your company was used. The beverage container was put on a table that had a white antique table cloth covering. By the time someone noticed that the beverage container was leaking the grape drink, it was too late to save the white antique table cloth.

This white antique table cloth was a family heirloom of one of my employees and is now having to explain to her grandmother what has happened to the table cloth. My employee has informed me that the table cloth cost $35.00.

I am writing to ask you to please replace my beverage container and reimburse my employee for the damages done to the white antique table cloth. Also, please look over your items more carefully during manufacturing so this type of thing does not happen again. I would hate to have to not recommend your services any longer.

I look forward to receiving your justification promptly

Sincerely yours,

Susan Brashear, President

Enclosure (1)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Assignment Reflection

Susan Brashear


Dr. Liu

February 6, 2008

Assignment Reflection

The first assignment given was how job application materials were to be prepared. This procedure is very important in the job industry and I believe that every student should have to take a course to learn the proper techniques involved on how job application materials are to be organized

The main objective of this assignment was to better prepare students for the job application process. I think that the assignment given was very important and provided everyone with vital knowledge for the work force. I enjoyed making my resume and cover letter. I feel like this assignment and the information provided is going to stick with me throughout my life. The skills used in putting together a resume and cover letter are an ability that is going to persist through out my professional existence. Even if job applicant has the skills and education needed for the job, it’s the resume and cover letter that is going to get them the interview and called back in for further questioning.

In conclusion, the resume and cover letter assignment was one I enjoyed very much and will be able to use again and again in the future. Hopefully this assignment will help me outshine others during the job hunt now and in the future.


Susan E. 2208 Rice Drive

Brashear Levelland, TX 79336

(806) 438-0019

Objective Obtain and analyze financial information to develop customized financial plans based on client requests

Education Texas Tech University

MS in Personal Financial Planning

Expected Graduation Date: 12/2009

Related Course Work

Business Law I and II Life Insurance Planning

Retirement Planning Personal Financial Planning I and II

Asset Management I and II Personal Practices in FFP

Personal Financial Planning Capstone

Employment 8/2004-present (20 hours per week): Secretary

Experience Compliance 5, Levelland, TX

Input employee information in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel 2007 and QuickBooks. Biweekly payroll and tax calculations. Meet with accountant. Handle bills.

Honors Awarded Little Dribblers Basketball Association Scholarship, John L. and Vergie Belle Smallwood Scholarship, Dellano Phillips Memorial Scholarship, Melvin and Agnes Straube Scholarship.

Activities Member Phi Theta Kappa Honors Fraternity, Campus Ambassadors, Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, Soccer Sweethearts, Rugby Little Sis, Red to Black, Personal Financial Planning Association, Rock 101 Rock Hunny.

References Available upon request

Cover Letter

2208 Rice Drive

Levelland, Texas 79336

February 6, 2008

Randy Schroeder

Managing Director

952 Echo Lane

Suite 190

Houston, TX 77024

Dear Mr. Schroeder:

I am writing in response to your job ad in the Personal Financial Planner Association of America, December edition. I would like to be considered for the financial planner position that is available. I believe that my experience in financial planning and counseling qualifies me for this position.

I have taken many classes in the Human Sciences Department, a few of these classes being asset management I and II, retirement planning and personal financial planning capstone. I am planning on receiving my M.S. in Personal Financial Planning at Texas Tech. My education has given me a strong background in financial planning.

My work experience at Red to Black has qualified me in helping others with financial problems and questions. I have assisted fellow students and faculty members on making smart financial decisions to reach a goal of getting out of debt.

Enclosed is my resume and more information about my education and experience related to this position. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further at your convenience. You can contact me anytime at 806-438-0019 or you can email me at


Susan Brashear

Enclosure (1)