Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Class Activity 6

Exercise 5 Memo
Date: February 13, 2008
To: Y. Liu
From: S. Brashear, L. Davis, J. Lowe
Subject: Strengths and weaknesses of claim letter in our textbook

This memo will discuss the strengths and weakness we have found in the claim letter from exercise 5.
One of the claim letters strengths was that the writer shows actual evidence. One of the claim letters weakness was that he should have told the reader what he would like to be done about finding the fly in the tuna can. Also, we believe that the claim letter was very unprofessional.
The strength of the claim letter was that he taped the actual housefly he found in his tuna fish can to the letter. To make his weakness better, the writer should have wrote what he would like to be done about this matter instead of leaving it as an open question. The writer could have said that he would like a refund for his tuna fish or perhaps one year free supply of tuna fish. He also could have proposed that the company have a better system of cleaning and packaging their tuna fish so this type of incidence does not happen again. The writer could have made the claim letter more professional by not being so informal.
We as a group, think that we should revise the letter in a class discussion. This process could be very informative in helping us learn the proper methods of writing a claim letter.

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