Monday, February 18, 2008

Individual Memo


Date: February 13, 2008
To: Y. Liu
From: S. Brashear
Subject: Summarizing the Function of the Ethics Guidelines for the English Department

The purpose of this memo is to summarize the Ethics Guideline for the English Department.

The Ethics Guideline is meant to cause awareness of the values that present ethical behavior inside and outside the classroom. The Ethics Guideline goes over eight separate topics. The topics include: clarity, honesty, tolerance, respect, objectivity, fairness, engagement and responsibility.

I will now break down eight topics that that Ethics Guideline covers. Clarity is no disparity between surface and subtext department documents and in interactions with each other. Honesty is accurately representing facts and situations to each other. Tolerance is the ability to listen to and consider ideas different from your own. Respect is a regard to the equality, dignity, and uniqueness of other people. Objectivity is the careful compilation and consideration of all pertinent information and evidence. Fairness is reaching a just decision based on objectivity complied information. Engagement is active participation in all communities of which we are a part. Responsibility is holding yourself and others to a high standard. The ethic that I feel is most important to me is honesty. I cannot tolerate it whenever someone is dishonest with me.

After reading over the Ethics Guidelines for the English Department, I still agree with each one of the ethics discussed. However, honesty is the most important ethcis to me. Although, I assume everyone in the class has an understanding of the ethics, it would probably be beneficial to go over them individually as a group.

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